Push notifications are immensely powerful for driving app openings and engagement.

But remember to use them carefully, as push notifications without great content are just noise. If you always use push notifications when you have something great to communicate, your customers will welcome your messages and engage.

A Powerful Broadcasting Device – One-to-One with Customers

Using our powerful communication engine, you can send push notifications to your app users directly from the Liquid Barcodes loyalty marketing platform. The notifications can be broadcast to all users, to one platform specifically (e.g. Android or IOS) or simply to one customer.

One-to-one push notifications are an important part of any segmented campaign, or can be trigged by a specific user action.

Push Notifications – Immediate and Reminders

When creating your campaigns, you control the timing.

You can choose to send push notification messages immediately when you issue new coupons, games or a survey.

Reminders can also be intelligently triggered if a coupon has not yet been used, allowing you to set these notifications at specific times prior to the expiry of the coupon.