Flexible Formatting

All campaign visuals are created by you as the brand owner, but our flexible loyalty marketing platform also offers other ways to customize the appearance of your coupons, rewards, surveys and games.

Customised URL’s

With Liquid Barcodes platform, retailers, brands and partners can use their own domains to display content on our site by simply redirecting a url from your domain to ours.

When the base of the url clearly matches the sender, engagement and redemption rates respond positively as customers are more confident that the link is secure to click.

Check for information on how to configure this for your loyalty marketing program.

Customized link example: replaces

Barcode Format

Liquid Barcodes can support any barcode display format based on what is supported by the client(s) in-store scanning capabilities and technology at point of sale.

The mostly used barcode format is Data Matrix.

Liquid Barcodes also support alternative redemption mechanics, including contactless.

Special note on Code-128

Code-128 has three different character sets, select the type that suits your own data (definitions from Wikipedia):

  • 128A (Code Set A) – ASCII characters 00 to 95 (0–9, A–Z and control codes), special characters, and FNC 1–4
  • 128B (Code Set B) – ASCII characters 32 to 127 (0–9, A–Z, a–z), special characters, and FNC 1–4
  • 128C (Code Set C) – 00–99 (encodes two digits with a single code point) and FNC1. Used to efficiently encode digit only strings.